A. When riding between sunset and sunrise, all bicycles, electric personal assistive mobility devices, electric personal delivery devices, electric power-assisted bicycles, mopeds, and motorized skateboards or scooters with handlebars must have a headlight on the front that is emiting a white light visible from at least 500 feet in clear weather, and a red reflector visible from at least 600 feet to the rear when in front of a motor vehicle's lower headlights. The Superintendent must approve the type of light and reflector.
In addition to the above, bicycles or their riders can have additional lights or reflectors, either steady or flashing.
B. Between sunset and sunrise, all bicycles or their riders must have a taillight on the rear emitting a red light visible from at least 500 feet in clear weather when riding on any highway with a speed limit of 35 mph or greater. The taillight must be of a type approved by the Superintendent.